Technical advantages of CP-SAGD
ABCE’s CP-SAGD Technology has several advantages over competing renewable or waste heat power generation sources. These include:
Utilizes Shallower Depth (<450 m depth) and Higher Temperature Heat Source than Geothermal.
Higher overall efficiency of heat recovery power generation systems

Some other technical advantages of CP-SAGD
Reduce Net Energy Intensity of Thermal Oil Sands Operation – By recovering energy stored in the reservoir, overall energy efficiency is increased. Energy recovery is only limited by economics and energy transfer in the reservoir as the system can be adapted to ever lower reservoir temperatures if it is economical to do so.
Energy is “Dispatchable” – Similar to natural geothermal energy and hydropower, the CP-SAGD system can be utilized as needed as backup for renewable (wind, solar) power sources. Utilizing CP-SAGD allows for greater reliability and ease of shutdown and restart as required. Dispatchable power systems can be operated when power demand is highest and the value of the power produced is the greatest.
Take Advantage of Existing Grid Access – Implementing CP-SAGD at sites with existing tie-ins to feed power into the grid will present considerable savings as new tie-ins are prohibitively expensive for small power sites.
Converted SAGD Wells are Still Able to be converted back to SAGD or Solvent Based Recovery – The basic wells and resources are still accessible if economics indicate a return to oil production to increase recovery due to increased oil prices or recovery methods à no regrets for operators implementing CP-SAGD.